Glasgow Science Festival: TXTual Health?

How might texting help men reduce their binge drinking? How can social media improve sexual health among young people? How can webcam technology help parents bond with sick or premature babies admitted to special care baby units? These are some of the issues being explored at Glasgow Science Festival this year, with a special event led by Glasgow Caledonian University researchers. We chatted one of the researchers behind the event, Prof Lawrie Elliott.

Professor Lawrie Elliott

1. Who are you and what do you do?

I am Professor Lawrie Elliott. I evaluate public health interventions that aim to help people with alcohol, drug or sexual health problems.

Recent examples: a Parenting Intervention for Drug-Using Fathers (PUPs); an alcohol reduction programmes for older drinkers (Drink Wise Age Well); and a Digital Sexual Health intervention for secondary school pupils STASH).

2. What brings you to Glasgow Science Festival this year?

The opportunity to share our science with you.

3. Why should we come to your event?

Because public health is exciting and we want to hear what you think.

4. This year’s festival theme is ‘Glasgow Explores’. Where would you like to explore?

Your ideas to improve our research

5. What’s the best thing about being a scientist or engineer?

Doing stuff no-one has done before which makes a real difference to peoples’ lives.

Join Lawrie and colleagues on 12 June for ‘Can we harness the digital revolution to improve health in Scotland?’. This will take place at 6pm at Glasgow Caledonian University. Free but ticketed. For full details, visit the website.

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